Management Team

"It is not about going back to start a new beginning, but to be in the present to make a perfect clearing.."

Our Management Team is broadly categorised to be in two parts. One, the Administrative Team and two, the Production Team.

For the successful functioning of the company, both the teams are essential to work in tandem, supporting each other. To track that all is well in the functioning of both the teams, constant conversations happen, inquiring, "Was it a good day and better?" "How the day has gone on – has it been a good mix?"

To ensure successful functioning of both the teams, we deliberate constantly on 3 main factors:

  • Create an environment for success.
  • Nipping the problems in the bud how they are prevented entirely.
  • Exploit big opportunities that come our way.

These initiatives have lead us to project ourselves better, bigger and helping us to manage effectively.

Our success has been gained from the 5 mantras we constantly follow:

  • Always carry a 'big picture' approach
  • Focus on systematic elimination of waste and not just the waste elimination
  • Manage and put to use of everything in the organisation
  • Financial benefits are reviewed considering the targets and also understanding how it would impact performance
  • Keep things simple

Organisational Structure

Organisational Structure
Mr. Chandershekar J. Mr. Ajay Kumar S. Mr. Sreenath M.
Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Seshasayanam K.
Administrative Team Production Team
HR Manager Production Incharge
HR Executive Supervisors
Welfare Officer Finishing Incharge
IED Finishing Supervisor
ATC Dispatch Supervisor
Accounts Dept Sampling / Pattern Incharge
Merchandiser Sampling QA
PPC Cutting Incharge
MIS Cutting Supervisors
Fabric Incharge Embroidery Incharge
Fabric Assistant Quality Incharge
Trims Incharge Cutting QA
Trims assistant Sewing QA & Finishing QA

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  • Welcome to Trio Apparels, Please visit back for better offers and quality apparels
  • Welcome to Trio Apparels, Please visit back for better offers and quality apparels